Best Care for People with Communication Disabilities eLearning
$66.00 inc. GST
Scope (Aust) is one of the largest not-for-profit disability service providers in Australia. Scope have received funding from the National Disability Insurance Agency’s Information, Linkages, and Capacity Building program to deliver “Best Care for People with Communication Disabilities”. This online learning package is designed to assist workers in emergency health services across the patient journey. The aim is to increase the knowledge and confidence of staff when interacting with someone with communication disability. There are five modules within the course, they are expected to take 15-20 minutes for each module.. The learning outcomes include:
- Understand the skills and abilities of people with Disabilities – See the Person
- Understand the challenges and barriers people with disability face accessing services in the community
- Learn about the different ways of communicating including Augmentative and Alternative Communication systems (AAC)
- Understand Communication Access is and how to make your service accessible for people who have communication difficulties
- Learn how to successfully and respectfully communicate with customers/patients who have communication difficulties
- Understand the importance of Easy Read documents for people with low literacy
In addition, there is an Emergency Healthcare Communication Book that features pictures/symbols and words/phrases that can be used in emergency healthcare settings to facilitate effective conversations between someone with a communication disability and a healthcare worker.
This content is hosted on the Go1 learning platform. Access is provided for 12 months from the date of activation.
Note: Access is not automated, please allow 3-5 business days for your eLearning access to be activated.
Package and bulk purchase pricing options are available, if you are a business or organisation please contact us on 1300 472 673 or email for more information.
Our eLearning courses:
- Fit seamlessly into your existing accessibility and inclusion framework
- Can be easily accessed by employees using an online LMS/portal login
- Are SCORM compatible.